2009 Australian Archery Open Competitor Interviews.

Just for something a bit different, I asked as many competitors as I could the same six questions and one random one from a choice of seventy that I made up while I was supposed to be doing something else.  Probably something that required lots of attention to detail.

I learned that people can interpret some things rather differently and that's my fault for asking questions like that.  But hey, I’ve never done an interview before on the question asking end.

Some of these were done on the field  with my digital recorder and people got questions without warning.

Others were done via email, forum and facebook so while some people got absolutely no time at all to think about things, others had the luxury of thinking time.

Archery of course has natural comedians…

If you were missed and would like to be added, I have included the random questions at the very end. Answer the generic questions and pick one random and send them to Andy! via a PM at http://www.archery-forum.com


Jon Campbell

How long have you been involved in Archery?

I have been shooting for two years.

What is your favourite type of Archery competition?

Matchplay would have to be my favourite type of competition. When a lower ranked archer like myself goes into a match with a highly ranked archer there is no outside pressure or expectation to win. It relaxes me to know going in if I can put together two good ends I have the chance to beat anyone and if not I find shooting with someone better always helps me to improve.

What is your best score?

Best score for a Fita 90 is 1327

What is your favourite piece of archery equipment?

That would be Vicky, my Vantage Elite. When the 2009 Hoyt’s came out I ordered a Vantage Elite from the picture alone and I absolutely love shooting it.

What piece of archery equipment would you like to try?

I would like to have a play with the new Carbon Matrix when it lands on our shores, it’s not something I could ever see myself buying but it just looks so damn cool I would like to give one a try.

What's the best piece of archery related advice you've been given?

Best piece of advice I have been given was to change from a very light trigger release to a trigger with a heavy spring and zero travel. This one change has improved my shot execution more than anything else.

Do you think it's fair that Paper beats Rock?

No it’s completely unfair! If rock can break scissors then surely it can deal with a piece of paper and even if paper covers rock how is that a victory?


Brendan Wallace

How long have you been involved in Archery?

8 years

What is your favourite event?


What is your best score?


What is your favourite piece of archery equipment?

Weights, because they never fail.

What piece of archery equipment would you like to try?

I can't really think of anything..

What's the best piece of archery related advice you've been given?

Be critical of all advice given to you. I gave that advice to myself

Who makes the best pizza in your opinion?

I do.


Taylor Worth.

 How long have you been involved in Archery?

Since Mid 2001

What is your favourite event?

Matchplay definitely.

What is your best score?

competition fita 1324 competition matchplay 114 I think

What is your favourite piece of archery equipment?

My Axis, hands down, no debate.

What piece of archery equipment would you like to try?

A recurve Shibuya Ultima

What's the best piece of archery related advice you've been given?

I can't remember who it was from, but its got to do with letting down or not

and the phrase was: "Do you have the balls to be able to shoot it or not?"

What is your favourite TV show?

How I met your Mother.


 Semra Fergusen

 How long have you been involved in Archery?

Hmm, around about 6 years

What is your favourite event?

Definitely individual matchplay

What is your best score?

At fita 70?? 1302

What is your favourite bit of equipment?

Quiver, cause you can dress it up with keyrings etc

What piece of archery equipment would you like to try?

Hmm... I'd like to try lots of things.. probably most of all I want to try out shooting a crossbow.. haha for something different.

What's the best piece of archery related advice you've been given?

Its not the good shots that win it for you, its the bad shots that lose it for you..

Do you prefer natural or artificial fibers?



Ryan Tyack

How long have you been involved in Archery?

The Open will be 2 days before 8 years and 1 month

What is your favourite Archery event?

Don’t like any more than others, just so long as I mix it up.

Can't do one thing for too long at once

What is your best score?

Obviously registered

1330 outdoor

366 (i think) field

595 indoor

??? clout

Haven't scored 3d

I guess the 595 since it had the purple badge with it and a WR

1370 practice for outdoor if thats applicable.

Favourite piece of equipment?

My limbs, since I haven't found anything better than them, good old W&W,

though the blackmax has been proven by previous generations to make a good cricket bat.

What piece of archery equipment would you like to try?

All of it, so I can find the ultimate combination set up.

What's the best piece of archery related advice you've been given?

Who cares if you lose, in the end it's just a game

What Circus act would you like to perform?.

Lion Tamer!


Jade Lindsay.

How long have you been involved in Archery?

I've been in archery now for 16 years.

What is your favourite Archery event?

i love matchplay because it is so exciting and cut

What is your best score?

My best score in competition is 1314

What is your favourite piece of archery equipment?

I dont really have a fav piece of archery equipment. It is all very important.

What piece of archery equipment would you like to try?

I would now love to try the new Hoyt bow that has just been released.

What's the best piece of archery related advice you've been given?

the best piece of advice I have been given it to just enjoy it and always stay positive because what ever happens it is all part of the journey

Superman or Batman?



Ben Nott

How long have you been involved in Archery?

5 and a half years

What is your favourite type of Archery competition?

Ones with money involved!

What is your best score?

1286 practice 1273 comp

What is your favourite piece of archery equipment?


What piece of archery equipment would you like to try?

The new Hoyt Bow..

What's the best piece of archery related advice you've been given?

best advise was : no matter how hard or tough or draining archery gets the only way to stay on top is to stay cheerfull and to not let yourself slip into a solemnly state.

Do you understand the rules of Offside in Soccer?

The offside rule in soccer is incredibly simple.. a player in offence cannot pass or play the ball in any way to another offensive player that does not have a defensive player between himself and the defending goalkeeper


Renae Farrugia.

How long have you been involved in Archery?

I've been going to archery since the age of 3 with dad. Started when I was 7 (field) from the age of 10 took up target but shot competitively since the age of 12.

What is your favourite type of Archery competition?

My favourite type of archery comps would definitely be matchplay. Indoor or outdoor I don't mind. Would probably say outdoor over in though.

What is your best score?

My best score for an Aust 1 is 295

FITA 18m 288

FITA 60m 1354

FITA70 1310-ish

What is your favourite piece of archery equipment?

My favourite piece of archery equipment hmmm, would say probably my arrows (can personalise them so much and make them look pretty)

What piece of archery equipment would you like to try?

A piece of archery equipment I would definitely like to try is a beiter scope

What's the best piece of archery related advice you've been given?

The best piece of archery related advice I've been given is "only shoot one arrow at a time.

Have you ever driven a bulldozer?

No I haven't, but I would love to so I can knock out my worst enemy.


Ron McCusker

How long have you been involved in Archery?

Eighteen months

What is your favourite type of Archery competition?

Full Fita

What is your best score?

1293 in a comp 1387 at home

What is your favourite piece of archery equipment?

Hoyt's Vantage elite

What piece of archery equipment would you like to try?

The new 2010 Orange Hoyt target bow

What's the best piece of archery related advice you've been given?

Keep my eyes on the target.

How many years jail do you think that someone should get for automotive insurance fraud?

Nil. A medal, Insurance companies do more fraud everyday than Joe blow. Random Question that last one.


Ryan Bickerton.

How long have you been involved in Archery?

I come back into archery around June last year after a 10 year break. For the last 5 for so years, I really wanted to get back into archery where I finally took the step after moving to Melbourne from Gippsland and randomly driving past an archery shop and buying a 2nd hand bow.

What is your favourite type of Archery competition?

For me, matchplay is what it is all about. it really puts everything on the line for 12 arrows. Great for us archers as it is exciting while it's also great for spectators.

What is your best score?

So far my best Fita 90 score is 1361. I think this is a great achievement as I really have only been back in the sport for just over a year. I am now pushing to further improve my scores

What is your favourite piece of archery equipment?

I think its now my bottom limb..... on my bow

I have recently picked up a Hoyt Vantage Elite from Urban Archery where the bottom right limb bares the bows nickname

What piece of archery equipment would you like to try?

I would love to try the Alpha Max 35, but due to my stupid TRex draw length I cannot do this.

What's the best piece of archery related advice you've been given?

"The shot sequence is a process and should be replicated. Write down each step right down to where you take your breaths and replicate that every shot". -Bruce Johnson. It helps to keep the focus

Do you think geese can be rather scary?

Depends where they try to bite


Bertrand “Burt” Bourgeois

How long have you been involved in Archery?

All together, must be about 7-8 years now

What is your favourite type of Archery competition?

non-elimination matchplay, individual and team. Love a random 3D as well

What is your best score?

1217 for a 90m FITA, 634 for a FITA 720, 112 for a match

What is your favourite piece of archery equipment?

My Armguard with Ultrablack armguard elastic

What piece of archery equipment would you like to try?

The newest Hoyt, both recurve and compound

What's the best piece of archery related advice you've been given?

Think less, execute more (a quote from GT)

Have you ever had a parking ticket?

VERY sensitive question with me today. The answers lies in my upcoming book, 'My Fight', explaining why the meter maids are responsible for everything wrong in the world.


Pat Coghlan.

How long have you been involved in Archery?

On and off since I was about 7

What is your favourite type of Archery competition?

Double FITA

What is your best score?

1404 in Official FITA Star 1410 QRE

What is your favourite piece of archery equipment?

My Green 2006 Pro Elite, kind of fond of that bow

What piece of archery equipment would you like to try?

Carbon Matrix

What's the best piece of archery related advice you've been given?

Never Quit

Do you get noticeably better mileage using High Octane Unleaded?

Yeah right, the GSXR eats it all


Trevor Kennerson

How long have you been involved in Archery?

5 years

What is your favourite type of Archery competition?

Target then unmarked field

What is your best score?


What is your favourite piece of archery equipment?

The piece that fires the arrow and then the arrow

What piece of archery equipment would you like to try?

X10 stabilisers

What's the best piece of archery related advice you've been given?

Stand still!

What is the best thing to put on chips? Tomato sauce, gravy or salt? Something else?

Salad cream, its a pommie thing


Robert Turner

How long have you been involved in Archery?

13 years

What is your favourite type of Archery competition?

Round robin matchplay

What is your best score?

Compound 1373, recurve 1288

What is your favourite piece of archery equipment?

Recurve risers

What piece of archery equipment would you like to try?


What's the best piece of archery related advice you've been given?

from Simon Fairweather: "See how fast you can make the release to go off"

Do you think that anyone REALLY votes for the logie awards?

Aussie TV is terrible!!! logies are a waste of space and time


Guy Phillips

How long have you been involved in Archery?

I took my first shots from a bow back in 1997 when I was 7yrs old, though I was not allowed to start archery properly till I was 10yrs of age. I joined and underwent the local clubs beginner’s course in the start of 2000. Therefore I have been officially involved in archery for 10yrs.

What is your favourite type of Archery competition?

My favourite type of archery competition is any type of Target archery, as long as I am being challenged by myself, others and sometimes the weather I am usually happy.

What is your best score?

Officially my best score is 1378 for a 90m FITA.

Unofficially is only really just for my knowledge.

What is your favourite piece of archery equipment?

I like all the equipment I use, otherwise I wouldn’t use it. In Terms of my favourite though, it would have to be my hat.

What piece of archery equipment would you like to try?

As an archer there is always things you want to try. On the top of my list at the moment would have to be the new CEX5 stabilisers from Fivics (Soma).

What's the best piece of archery related advice you've been given?

The best piece of advice I have been given was: "You’ll always miss 100% of the shots you don’t take"

Who was the best batman, Val Kilmer, Micheal Keaton or Christian Bale?

I think the best batman for me was Val Kilmer, as this is the batman I remember as a young kid.


Marie Mills

How long have you been involved in Archery?

Around 10 years. Kicking myself, should have started years ago.

What is your favourite type of Archery competition?

I would have to say IFFA then FITA then Field.

What is your best score?

1347 for a FITA round and can't remember the score but 5th at the IFFA Worlds

What is your favourite piece of archery equipment?

All of it

What piece of archery equipment would you like to try?

Always wanted to shoot recurve competitively. Unfortunately my poor shoulder can't take the stress.

What's the best piece of archery related advice you've been given?

Never give up.

Have you ever fallen off a bike?

Several times. Most embarassing was showing off in front of friends. Did a back wheel brake slide and flipped A over T. Gravel rash all over.


Rachel Morgan.

How long have you been involved in Archery?

23 years

What is your favourite type of Archery competition?


What is your best score?


What is your favourite piece of archery equipment?

My release aid

What piece of archery equipment would you like to try?

Don't know, tried everything

What's the best piece of archery related advice you've been given?

Don't listen to anyone on the line, think about yourself

Do you think that Will Smith should save the earth again in a movie this year?

Why not? he's doing an excellent job


Steve Clifton.

How long have you been involved in Archery?

11 years

What is your favourite type of Archery competition?

Target Archery

What is your best score?

1406 Fita

705 720 Fita

What is your favourite piece of archery equipment?

My Hoyt Vantage Elite

What piece of archery equipment would you like to try?

The new Hoyt Alpha Burner, it looks amazing!

What's the best piece of archery related advice you've been given?

To focus on each shot as its own shot. You can’t change the past, but you can change the future.

Have you ever been attacked by wasps?

No, but I have attacked wasps..


Andrew Russell

How long have you been involved in Archery?

11 years

What is your favourite type of Archery competition?

Team's Matchplay

What is your best score?

1348 FITA

684 FITA 720

What is your favourite piece of archery equipment?

The Munterstick 1.0 (RIP)

What piece of archery equipment would you like to try?

Evolution trigger

What's the best piece of archery related advice you've been given?

Work on improving 1 thing at a time.

Are you annoyed that they don't make Buffy the Vampire Slayer any more?

Hell yes! SMG ftw.


Alice Ingley

How long have you been involved in Archery?

4 years.

What is your favourite type of Archery competition?

Target, although field is quite fun but only shooting it every now and then.

What is your best score?

In practice 1298 and in competition 1270

What is your favourite piece of archery equipment?

The riser, because it is the only thing that can really be different to every other brand, it's the only thing that changes, but that can be either good or bad.

What piece of archery equipment would you like to try?

The new hoyt riser.

What's the best piece of archery related advice you've been given?

Don't freak out about the competition (score etc.) just think of it as every competition is experience for the next.

If money was no object, what car would you drive?

Mazda RX8


Dawn Nelson

How long have you been involved in Archery?

Total 9 years - over 30 year span

What is your favourite type of Archery competition?

Clout - lol

What is your best score?

Best Scores : Fita 70 : 1327 Fita 900 : 852 Indoor 581

What is your favourite piece of archery equipment?

My Riser

What piece of archery equipment would you like to try?

A cross bow

What's the best piece of archery related advice you've been given?

See them already in the Gold ! mmm My arrows that is

Are you experienced in the art of throwing a boomerang?



Craig Tyson

How long have you been involved in Archery?

A total of 12 years with a 13 year break in the middle

What is your favourite type of Archery competition?


What is your best score?


What is your favourite piece of archery equipment?

Haven’t really got one but I suppose my new bow (Vantage Elite)

What piece of archery equipment would you like to try?

Black Eagle scope

What's the best piece of archery related advice you've been given?

It’s not one thing that produce a great score, it’s all the little things that you learn along the way that get you an extra 5 or 10 points for each little thing. When you put them all together you’ve gained 20 or 30 points. (Clint Freeman)

What is your favourite biscuit?



Fiona Hyde

How long have you been involved in Archery?

23 years (God I now feel old)

What is your favourite type of Archery competition?

One where I have fun regardless of what it is.

What is your best score?

Tournament 1390

What is your favourite piece of archery equipment?

Anything new and shiny

What piece of archery equipment would you like to try?

Release aids, always on the lookout for new ones

What's the best piece of archery related advice you've been given?

Stop trying

Is an eye patch or a parrot essential for a good pirate costume?

Definitely the parrot.


James Hirth

How long have you been involved in Archery?

6 years, I started when I was in grade 6.

What is your favourite type of Archery competition?

Big competitions such as worlds where you get to meet lots of different people.

What is your best score?

Mens Fita, 1360

What is your favourite piece of archery equipment?

I would have to say the bow, then my Protours.

What piece of archery equipment would you like to try?

The Hoyt Vantage Elite.

What's the best piece of archery related advice you've been given?

Put em in the 10

Are you the type of person who reads manuals for new equipment?

Most of the time, depends on the equipment.


Yiftach Swery

How long have you been involved in Archery?

5 years

What is your favourite type of Archery competition?

fita 144 ranking round

What is your best score?

1389 70m fita

What is your favourite piece of archery equipment?

release aid, insatiable+

What piece of archery equipment would you like to try?

Hoyt V.E

What's the best piece of archery related advice you've been given?

"you're on train traveling towards your goal, dont get off that train"

Do you think that spiders get bad rep?

Oh yes.


Les Woods

How long have you been involved in Archery?

5 years

What is your favourite type of Archery competition?


What is your best score?


What is your favourite piece of archery equipment?

My long rod

What piece of archery equipment would you like to try?

The Hoyt fiber compound

What's the best piece of archery related advice you've been given?


What is a good name for A King Charles Cocker spaniel?

We had one of them years ago and it was called Muffy


Erika Annear

How long have you been involved in Archery?


What is your favourite type of Archery competition?


What is your best score?

1390 in comp. 1401 in practice.

What is your favourite piece of archery equipment?

Other than my bow? My release aid

What piece of archery equipment would you like to try?

The bows from the new Hoyt line up

What's the best piece of archery related advice you've been given?

Just shoot the f***ing bow.

What is your favourite kind of cheese?

Parmesan.. feta... anything from King Island


Matt Gray

How long have you been involved in Archery?

Since I was 7. So work that out, if you know my age.

What is your favourite type of Archery competition?

Target archery, but I do love shooting field, however my last field shoot was a long time ago.

What is your best score?

1348 FITA at Turkey in 2009.

What is your favourite piece of archery equipment?

Beiter nocks

What piece of archery equipment would you like to try?

K vanes.

What's the best piece of archery related advice you've been given?

Enjoy it and your results will be reflected

Would you like to own a trombone for busking purposes?

Might have to this coming year, the visa bill has been growing and it might be a good source of income, I'm very musically minded.


Duane Coutes

How long have you been involved in Archery?

About 7 years total off and on.

What is your favourite type of Archery competition?

90M FITA round, a great mental challenge to hold concentration over 144 arrows.

What is your best score?

1392 for the 90M FITA. So far.

What is your favourite piece of archery equipment?

My Hoyt Vantage Elite.

What piece of archery equipment would you like to try?

The new Easton X10 stabilisers are on the short list.

What's the best piece of archery related advice you've been given?

I couldn't specify a single incident, but over the years I have been lucky to get advice from Clint, Simon, Pat and a whole bunch of people. Archery is good for the freedom of useful information exchanged between participants.

Which is your favourite Bruce Willis Movie?

12 Monkeys, a masterpiece controlled film making insanity.


Peter Bennet

How long have you been involved in Archery?

20 years

What is your favourite type of Archery competition?


What is your best score?

FITA 1365 FIELD 399

What is your favourite piece of archery equipment?

My new sentinal

What piece of archery equipment would you like to try?

evolution release aid

What's the best piece of archery related advice you've been given?

Relax and enjoy

Which is your favourite Bruce Willis Movie?

I like most of his films, but the latest Die Hard movie is my current favorite


Dennis Carson.

How long have you been involved in Archery?

34 years 25years recurve 9 years compound

What is your favourite type of Archery competition?

FITA although I do enjoy shooting Field

What is your best score?

Recurve 1293 Compound 1400

What is your favourite piece of archery equipment?

Mathews Apex

What piece of archery equipment would you like to try?

None that I don't have

What's the best piece of archery related advice you've been given?

Enjoy myself, when you no longer enjoy shooting or being involved then its time to give it away. Can't see that happening for awhile yet.

Would you like to race at Bathurst?



Debbie Tremelling

How long have you been involved in Archery?

About 20 years now.. boy that makes me feel old..

What is your favourite type of Archery competition?

Field and Target..

What is your best score?

I Shot a 1317

What is your favourite piece of archery equipment?

Would have to be the riser..

What piece of archery equipment would you like to try?

Anything new on the market.. pity I cant afford it tho..

What's the best piece of archery related advice you've been given?

Keep a calm composure in front of your competitors.. don't let them know how nervous you really are!

Can you roller blade or ice skate?

One would think if you can do one you can do the other.. I however do neither


Cassie McCall

How long have you been involved in Archery?

I've been in archery for the grand total of 20 months now.

What is your favourite type of Archery competition?

Favourite comp so far has been Australia Day

What is your best score?

1361 is best score

What is your favourite piece of archery equipment?

Favourite archo equipment is my superman belt buckle!!

What piece of archery equipment would you like to try?

Love to try a short draw length bow that isn't a bowtech

What's the best piece of archery related advice you've been given?

Switch to back tension

Would you ever tell someone that Wasabe was avocado?

Depends on the person really and how evil I'm feeling!


Robert Timms

How long have you been involved in Archery?

I started archery in 1993, so 16 years all up.

What is your favourite type of Archery competition?

I enjoy shooting World Cups and matchplay. I grew up shooting field archery, I.F.A.A stuff and really enjoy that type of field round also.

What is your best score?

In Competition, 1402 for a F90 round, 555 for I.F.A.A round. Practice I have shot 1417 for a F90 round and 558 for I.F.A.A round.

What is your favourite piece of archery equipment?

Like everything.

What piece of archery equipment would you like to try?

Tried it all.

What's the best piece of archery related advice you've been given?

A setup change a day...keeps a 1400 away.

In a movie of your life, who would play you?

John Holmes


Alex Reynolds

How long have you been involved in Archery?

2 years

What is your favourite type of Archery competition?


What is your best score?


What is your favourite piece of archery equipment?

Arrows, they're pointy

What piece of archery equipment would you like to try?

Magical X seeker attachment

What's the best piece of archery related advice you've been given?

'Take on board what you can use and discard the rest' also 'focus on the process, not the result'

Do you prefer your sandwiches toasted or untoasted?



Elisa Barnard

How long have you been involved in Archery?

5 years I think but on and off. Seriously for about 2

What is your favourite type of Archery competition?

International - Youth Worlds is great. Team's Matchplay is the bomb

What is your best score?

1319 in a Freemantle. 1267 in a Ladies FITA

What is your favourite piece of archery equipment?

My bow - Hoyt all the way.  At the moment I Shoot a Matrix, 900CX limbs, sureloc sight, easton rods. Love it to bits.

What piece of archery equipment would you like to try?

Really intrigued to give the new Formula RX with F4 limbs set up a try when it arrives in Australia.

What's the best piece of archery related advice you've been given?

Relax and don't over think your shots. Pick out something positive after each shot.

Have you ever seen a shark while swimming?

No I haven't, Only those small wobigongs I think they're called, when I was snorkeling in Port Stephens


Lexie Feeney

How long have you been involved in Archery?

I have been involved in archery for just over 9 years

What is your favourite type of Archery competition?

I enjoy high pressure the best!

What is your best score?

My best score is a 1315 FITA at the World Championships in Germany 07. I have shot 1318 in a QRE at AIS, but regard the 1315 my best as it was in much 'harder' conditions

What is your favourite piece of archery equipment?

My Bow? der? GMX and 990s...

What piece of archery equipment would you like to try?

Sorry Hoyt, I won't shoot anything else anymore... it's my AXIS.

What's the best piece of archery related advice you've been given?

Best advice for sport specifically came from Steve Waugh at Beijing, just remember, when you walk out there everyone is cheering for YOU they want to see YOU win, enjoy that!

Are you for saving the whales? Have you ever saved any?

I guess I'm for saving for the whales, I mean if you were gunna shoot one I'd be all like "dude, don't shoot that whale".


Owen Van Acker

How long have you been involved in Archery?

8 Years

What is your favourite type of Archery competition?


What is your best score?

Fita 1292

What is your favourite piece of archery equipment?

Arrows, like the way they spin.

What piece of archery equipment would you like to try?

Would like to try the new Hoyt ... ugly as it is.

What's the best piece of archery related advice you've been given?

I was told one day when I was having a spit that I didnt shoot well "Not to be pissed that you only shot 12__ as I have been shooting 15 years and never shot over 1200 with recurve."

Would you prefer to be a fireman or a zookeeper?

With the animals I have .... zookeeper


Clint Freeman

How long have you been involved in Archery?

22 Years.

What is your favourite type of competition?  (I didn’t ask the right question)


What is your best score?


What is your favourite piece of archery equipment?

Don't know. My bowstand. I like that.

What's the best piece of archery related advice you've been given?


Do you think that spiders get bad rep.

Yeah, they're misunderstood creatures.


Derek Jacobs.

How long have you been involved in Archery?

I started shooting at about 9 years old, so I've been doing it a loooong time now. But, I only really got serious about my shooting in early 2006.

What is your favourite type of Archery competition?

I love it all. But, much prefer shooting outdoors than I do indoors. Having said that, I've booked tickets to Vegas '10... so I better start to like Indoors soon...

What is your best score?

At the moment, 1382 for a FITA. Shot at Canberra after me and Ryan 'Btchmve' Bickerton drove up at rather short notice. But I know I can improve on that greatly. I managed a 340 in that FITA, which is 14' territory.

What is your favourite piece of archery equipment?

I have two. Number 1 is definitely my Red Ember VantageElite with custom blackout pockets and cams. It's sexy. Turns a lot of heads.

It's accompanied nicely by Number 2, my Oldschool Easton X10 longrod. Usually gets a few comments when people see it.

What piece of archery equipment would you like to try?

At the moment, I'm hanging out to try one of Hoyt's new 2010 Carbon Matrix bows. It looks bad ass!

Other than that, I wouldn't mind trying out the new Soma rods or some B-Stingers if I could get my hands on some.

What's the best piece of archery related advice you've been given?

Everyone always answers something like "Don't Punch the release". That's great and all, but everyone is going to tell you that.

For me, one of the best things I was told was by Marcus Anear. He got me working on the tension I used to have in my release and bow hand. Once you can relax them the shot will be a lot smoother and the release will activate more reliably. There's also a muscle symmetry between the hands. If you can relax your bow hand or your release hand, it will usually have a flow-on effect to the other arm.

Do you think that is really Daryl Somer's own hair?

Hrm. Interesting question there. I think he might be sharing a dressing room with Dicky Knee. Maybe picked up one of his wigs by mistake?


Lyndon "The Rev" May

How long have you been involved in Archery?

23 years, had 14 years off started back in May 2008.

What is your favourite type of Archery competition?

Fita 90 and 3D.

What is your best score?


What is your favourite piece of archery equipment?

My wraps

What piece of archery equipment would you like to try?

Shibuya Scope

What's the best piece of archery related advice you've been given?

"Just enjoy yourself and have fun", My Uncle Russell Hopgood, advice when left for 1st Junior Nationals in 1998, got 2nd to Matt Gray.

Do you think that Crispy Creme donuts are better than Donut King?

Don't eat donuts....Seriously!


Elizabeth Andrews

How long have you been involved in Archery?

Since 1977

What is your favourite type of Archery competition?

I enjoy target, field, 3d andlately I've even started to enjoy indoor. Over the last few years. I used to hate it

What is your best score?

1381, Field under the new scoring 390 or 391. I tend to not take much notice of that.

What is your favourite piece of archery equipment?

If I didn't like any of it, I wouldn't be shooting it.

What piece of archery equipment would you like to try?

No. I'm quite happy with what I'm shooting at the moment. I've been experimenting with different point weights and stabiliser setup. That's the next thing. I want to see if the bow reacts differently in this kind of wind.

What's the best piece of archery related advice you've been given?

I've got my own bits of advice that I try to live by that I've developed, but I've been shooting for so long that I don't have any advice that I've been given that I carry out religiously.

Have you ever written a poem?



Aimee Deaves

How long have you been involved in Archery?

7 years

What is your favourite type of Archery competition?


What is your best score?


What is your favourite piece of archery equipment?

My matrix

What piece of archery equipment would you like to try?


What's the best piece of archery related advice you've been given?

To control the controllables

What circus act would you like to perform?

Trapeze artist!



Alison Bateman.

How long have you been involved in Archery?

10 years

What is your favourite type of Archery competition?

The type where I win.

What is your best score?


What is your favourite piece of archery equipment?

My quiver.

What piece of archery equipment would you like to try?

I can't think of anything.

What's the best piece of archery related advice you've been given?

I don't know.

Do you prefer Petrol or electric lawnmowers?

I have an electric whippersnipper, which I don't use 'cause I broke it. You should ask Rob that question cause he mows the lawns.


Andrea Bradbrook

How long have you been involved in Archery?

Recently six months, before that seven years

What is your favourite type of Archery competition?

Matchplay and target

What is your best score?

In tournament it is 1270. In practice 1303

What is your favourite piece of archery equipment?


What piece of archery equipment would you like to try?

The new Hoyt Formula

What's the best piece of archery related advice you've been given?

It's just a game. Don't take it too seriously.

Have you ever been attacked by wasps?



Daniel Tew

How long have you been involved in Archery?

5 years

What is your favourite type of Archery competition?

Probably Matchplay.

What is your best score?


What is your favourite piece of archery equipment?

My Bowsling. The cheapest!

What piece of archery equipment would you like to try?

A Soma Saker finger tab.

What's the best piece of archery related advice you've been given?

Just shoot it.

If money was no object, what car would you drive?

A mini cooper.


Deb Nicholson.

How long have you been involved in Archery?

2 and half years.

What is your favourite type of Archery competition?

Field actually. I love field.

What is your best score?


What is your favourite piece of archery equipment?

My bow

What piece of archery equipment would you like to try?

I usually try out what I want to try out. I'm getting a new Contender Elite. That's on order. It will be cool try out.

What's the best piece of archery related advice you've been given?

Relax relax relax.

If you found hamburger flavoured icecream, what topping would you put on it?

Hmmm. Garlic?


James "Jim" Park

How long have you been involved in Archery?

50 years. I started when I was ten.

What is your favourite type of Archery competition?

Target. Fita

What is your best score?


What is your favourite piece of archery equipment?

It would have to be the arrows. The protours

What piece of archery equipment would you like to try?

I'd like to have another fling at recurve

What's the best piece of archery related advice you've been given?

Be patient. Wait for things to happen rather than force them.

Do you think that there's been any improvement in toothbrush technology in the last 20 years?

Absolutely. Electric ones.


Jon Barnard.

How long have you been involved in Archery?

About Four years.

What is your favourite type of Archery competition?


What is your best score?

I don't know.

What is your favourite piece of archery equipment?

Well made limbs? I don't know. I've never really thought about it.

What piece of archery equipment would you like to try?

That I won't reveal as I'm developing it.

What's the best piece of archery related advice you've been given?

I've never been given good archery advice.

Do you think that Darth Vader would have made a good father?

I never saw the movie so I can't tell you.


These are the generic questions if you were competing at the 2009 Open and you'd  like to be added.


How long have you been involved in Archery?

 What is your favourite type of Archery competition?

 What is your best score?

 What is your favourite piece of archery equipment?

 What piece of archery equipment would you like to try?

 What's the best piece of archery related advice  you've been given?

 Now pick out a random question to answer…


1. In a movie of your life, who would play you?


2. Have you ever driven a bulldozer?


3. What is your second favourite colour?


4. Which is your favourite Bruce Willis Movie?


5. If money was no object, what car would you drive?


6. Who do you think makes the best chips out of ?


7. Superman or Batman?


8. Do you think that Darth Vader would have made a good father?


9. Have you ever seen a shark while swimming?


10. Who has the best hairstyle that you've ever seen?


11. Do you think that the last Star Trek film lost it when Captain Kirk got rescued by Old Spock?


12. What is your favourite TV show.


13. Would you ever consider a career in politics?


14. what is your favourite thing to put on icecream?


15. Would you like to see rollerball included as an Olympic Sport?


16. Do you believe what the weatherman says?


17. Do you prefer electric or petrol lawnmowers.


18. Do you think that people should be licenced to operate a chainsaw?


19. Have you ever been in a helicopter?


20. Who was the most annoying muppet on Sesame St.


21. Which Channel has the hottest TV newsreaders?


22. If given the opportunities, would you swim with a dolphin?


23. Do you know any Monty Python quotes?


24. Do you get noticeably better economy using High Octane Unleaded?


25. What is your favourite Breakfast Cereal.


26. Do you prefer natural or artificial fibers?


27. Do you think that there has been any real improvement in toothbrush technology in the last 20 years?


28. Are you annoyed that they dont' make Buffy the Vampire Slayer any more?


29. Who makes the best pizza in your opinion?


30. Do you play practical jokes on April Fools day?


31. What is your favourite kind of cheese?


32. Would you ever tell someone that Wasabe was avocado?


33. Have you ever been attacked by wasps?


34. Do you think that spiders get bad rep?


35. Have you ever written a poem?


36. Do you think geese can be rather scarey?


37. How much do you think the average wombat weighs?


38. What is a good name for A king Charles Cocker spaniel?


39. Do you prefer your sandwiches toasted or normal?


40. Who was the best batman, Val Kilmer, Micheal Keaton or Christian Bale?


41. What is the best thing to put on chips? Tomato sauce, gravy or salt?


42. Have you ever had a parking ticket?


43. Would you like to race at Bathurst?


44. Have you ever fallen asleep during a Harry Potter movie.


45. Do you think that Crispy Creme donuts are better than Donut King?


46. Have you ever fallen off a bike?


47. What is your favourite biscuit?


48. Can you roller blade or ice skate?


49. Would you prefer to be a fireman or a zookeeper?


50. Have you ever tried Karaoke?


51. Do you understand the rules of Offside in Soccer?


52. Would you like to own a trombone for busking purposes?


53. Are you experienced in the art of throwing a boomerang?


54. Do you think that is really Daryl Somer's own hair?


55. Are you for saving the whales? Have you ever saved any?


56. Do you think that Life of Bryan was better than the Holy Grail?


57 Do you think it's fair that Paper beats Rock?


58. Do you think eating prawns with shells is more trouble than it's worth?


60. If you found hamburger flavoured icecream, what topping would you put on it?


61. Are you the type of person who reads manuals for new equipment?


62. Do you add acid to the water, or water to the acid?


63. Do you think that Will Smith should save the earth again in a movie this year?


64. Do you think that anyone REALLY votes for the logie awards?


65. Is an eye patch or a parrot essential for a good pirate costume?


66. Do you think that iPhones are just too common nowadays?


67. Do you see any correlation to public holidays and increases in the price of petrol?


68. Who would make a better Uno player. A lion or an orangutan?


69. What Circus act would you like to perform?


70. Do you think that Western Australia should leave the rest of Australia and just become another country all together