This aircraft is called a C-wing, which is a flying wing with tip controls on the fins. There is no washout in the wing, since the fins provide the downforce for pitch stability. There is no washout in the wing, and thus the whole span produces lift unlike a normal flying wing with twist at the tips.
The dimensions and stats are:
wingspan = 59",
Root chord = 12.5",
Tip chord = 4",
Area = 464 square inches,
Fin length = 10",
Ruddervators are 2"x10",
Airfoil is an RS001, as given in the Oct '96 RCSD by B^2
Flying weight = 11.95 ounces, wing loading = 3.72 oz/sq ft
The leading edge is swept back at 23 degrees, and the TE is straight. The servos are in a 4" wide center section that has the same airfoil shape as the rest of the wing. There is no fuselage or bubble, since the airfoil is 1.25" tall at the highest point. There are control cables that run to the tips to move the ruddervators.